102 research outputs found

    Una visión participativa del adulto mayor en la Educación Superior

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    En los albores del siglo XXI, el envejecimiento poblacional constituye una realidad social ineludible. Se trata de un fenómeno natural y social que incumbe a todos, corolario del desarrollo de la humanidad. Sin lugar a dudas, el aumento de la esperanza de vida y la reducción de la natalidad caracteriza las sociedades contemporáneas. Desde esta perspectiva, una nueva mirada participativa define la situación jurídica del adulto mayor: el Convenio de 13 de enero de 2000 sobre Protección Internacional de los Adultosconstituye el epicentro fundamental, del cual se derivan importantes postulados y principios que, de ser implementados de manera adecuada, bien podrán contribuir a una efectiva satisfacción de los derechos de los adultos mayores. En estrecha vinculación con lo anterior, la sociedad contemporánea demanda la existencia de mecanismos encaminados a fomentar el trabajo formativo y pedagógico de los ancianos a la Universidad, y, por tanto, a una vida laboral estable. Desde lo anterior, constituye objetivo de este trabajo: proponer estrategias concretas que permitan una adecuada inserción social de adultos mayores a la Educación Superior, a cuyo efecto, se emiten consideraciones generales sobre el envejecimiento poblacional. Se valora la defensa del adulto mayor en la actualidad, previa fundamentación del Convenio de 13 de enero de 2000 sobre Protección Internacional de los Adultos, así como el papel de la Educación Superior en la formación pedagógica del adulto mayor, haciendo especial referencia a su tratamiento en México

    Protocolos para la seguridad de la información en eHealth: Criptografía en entornos mHeath

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    Abstract. The advance of technology has brought with it the evolution of tools in various fields, among which the medical field stands out. Today’s medicine has tools that 30 years ago were unthinkable making its functioning completely different. Thanks to this fusion of medicine and technology new terms concerning this symbiosis, such as eHealth or mHealth, may be found in our daily lives. Both users and all the areas that work in the protection and performance of health and safety benefit from it. In this doctoral thesis we have worked in several lines with the aim of improving information security in several mHealth systems trying to make the proposed solutions extrapolable to other environments. Firstly, a tool, supported by an expert system and using identity-based encryption for the protection of patient information, for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of children with attention deficit disorder is proposed. Second, a solution focused on geared towards enhancing solutions for two of the fundamental problems of medical data information security: the secure management of patient information and the identification of patients within the hospital environment, is included. The solution proposed for the identification problem is based on the use of NFC bracelets that store an identifier associated with the patient and is generated through an HMAC function. In the third work, the problem of identification is again analyzed, but this time in emergency environments where no stable communication networks are present. It also proposes a system for the classification of victims whose objective is to improve the management of health resources in these scenarios. The fourth contribution is a system for improving the traceability and management of small emergencies and everyday events based on the use of blockchains. To conclude with the contributions of this thesis, a cryptographic scheme which improves security in healthcare devices with little computing capacity is presented. The general aim of this thesis is providing improvements in current medicine through mHealth systems, paying special attention to information security. Specifically, measures for the protection of data integrity, identification, authentication and nonrepudiation of information are included. The completion of this doctoral thesis has been funded through a pre-doctoral FPI grant from the Canary Islands Government.El avance de la tecnología ha traído consigo la evolución de herramientas en diversos ámbitos, entre ellos destaca el de la medicina. La medicina actual posee unas herramientas que hace 30 años eran impensables, lo que hace que su funcionamiento sea completamente diferente. Gracias a esta fusión de medicina y tecnología encontramos en nuestro día a día nuevos términos, como eHealth o mHealth, que hacen referencia a esta simbiosis, en la que se benefician tanto los usuarios, como todas las áreas que trabajan en la protección y actuación de la salud y seguridad de las mismas. En esta tesis doctoral se ha trabajado en varias líneas con el objetivo de mejorar la seguridad de la información en varios sistemas mHealth intentando que las soluciones propuestas sean extrapolables a otros entornos. En primer lugar se propone una herramienta destinada al diagnóstico, tratamiento y monitorización de niños con trastorno de déficit de atención que se apoya en un sistema experto y usa cifrado basado en identidad para la protección de la información de los pacientes. En segundo lugar, se incluye una solución centrada en aportar mejoras en dos de los problemas fundamentales de la seguridad de la información de los datos médicos: la gestión segura de la información de los pacientes y la identificación de los mismos dentro del entorno hospitalario. La solución planteada para el problema de identificación se basa en la utilización de pulseras NFC que almacenan un identificador asociado al paciente y que es generado a través de una función HMAC. En el tercer trabajo se analiza de nuevo el problema de identificación de las personas pero esta vez en entornos de emergencia en los que no se cuenta con redes de comunicaciones estables. Además se propone un sistema de clasificación de víctimas en dichos entornos cuyo objetivo es mejorar la gestión de recursos sanitarios en estos escenarios. Como cuarta aportación se presenta un sistema de mejora de la trazabilidad y de la gestión de pequeñas emergencias y eventos cotidianos basada en el uso de blockchain. Para terminar con las aportaciones de esta tesis, se presenta un esquema criptográfico que mejora los esquemas actuales de seguridad utilizados para dispositivos del entorno sanitario que poseen poca capacidad computacional. La finalidad general perseguida en esta tesis es aportar mejoras al uso de la medicina actual a través de sistemas mHealth en los que se presta especial atención a la seguridad de la información. Concretamente se incluyen medidas para la protección de la integridad de los datos, identificación de personas, autenticación y no repudio de la información. La realización de esta tesis doctoral ha contando con financiación del Gobierno de Canarias a través de una beca predoctoral FPI

    Functional Jelly Beans Based On Hydrocolloids And Citrus Cremogenates

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    Jelly beans were obtained from sugar, gelling agents, and citric cremogenates as source of bioactive compounds. To the best of our knowledge, the blends of modified starch and low methoxyl pectin (LMP) as well as the effect of citric cremogenates on the formulation of confectionery gels and their functional properties have hardly been reported. This work was focused on: i) obtaining cremogenates from different citrus fruits and characterizing them physicochemically; ii) formulating jelly beans based on acetylated starch, LMP, and cremogenate; iii) assessing the quality attributes and global acceptability. Furthermore, the changes on rheological behaviour due to cremogenate addition and calcium-induced gelation in composite model systems were studied. Viscoelasticity studies confirmed the type-gel structure of the formulated systems. Likewise, rheological results correlated with TPA profiles of jelly beans. General acceptability scores were 6.84 for formulations containing orange cremogenate and 5.72 for grapefruit ones. Composite developed systems have a protective effect of ascorbic acid exhibiting a slight reduction during the drying step especially in the case of samples containing grapefruit cremogenate. The functionalization of the matrix with calcium, involved in the chemical gelation mechanism of pectin, can incorporate this mineral in the final product, being this relevant from a nutritional point of viewCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Functional Jelly Beans Based On Hydrocolloids And Citrus Cremogenates

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    Jelly beans were obtained from sugar, gelling agents, and citric cremogenates as source of bioactive compounds. To the best of our knowledge, the blends of modified starch and low methoxyl pectin (LMP) as well as the effect of citric cremogenates on the formulation of confectionery gels and their functional properties have hardly been reported. This work was focused on: i) obtaining cremogenates from different citrus fruits and characterizing them physicochemically; ii) formulating jelly beans based on acetylated starch, LMP, and cremogenate; iii) assessing the quality attributes and global acceptability. Furthermore, the changes on rheological behaviour due to cremogenate addition and calcium-induced gelation in composite model systems were studied. Viscoelasticity studies confirmed the type-gel structure of the formulated systems. Likewise, rheological results correlated with TPA profiles of jelly beans. General acceptability scores were 6.84 for formulations containing orange cremogenate and 5.72 for grapefruit ones. Composite developed systems have a protective effect of ascorbic acid exhibiting a slight reduction during the drying step especially in the case of samples containing grapefruit cremogenate. The functionalization of the matrix with calcium, involved in the chemical gelation mechanism of pectin, can incorporate this mineral in the final product, being this relevant from a nutritional point of viewCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Physical and Chemical Treatments on Chitosan Matrix to Modify Film Properties and Kinetics of Biodegradation

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    This work was focused on analyzing the effect produced by the addition of tannic acid as a crosslinking agent of chitosan matrix and the influence of the heat treatment applied. Taking into account those aspects relevant for packaging applications, thermal stability, mechanical properties, water resistance and kinetics of biodegradation of the film were monitored. The chemical crosslinking as well as the curing of the matrices have improved the mechanical properties and those related to the water affinity such as solubility, permeability and contact angle. Although both processes had an influence on the extent of the film degradation, these materials conserved their biodegradable character. Moreover, it was observed a synergistic effect of both chemical and physical treatments since the two processes in simultaneous caused further delay in the biodegradation. Consequently, in these materials the access to fungal attack and all those reactions mediated by the presence of water were restricted, which confirmed the higher stability of the matrices submitted to chemical or physical crosslinking.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de AlimentosFacultad de Ingenierí

    Physical and Chemical Treatments on Chitosan Matrix to Modify Film Properties and Kinetics of Biodegradation

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    This work was focused on analyzing the effect produced by the addition of tannic acid as a crosslinking agent of chitosan matrix and the influence of the heat treatment applied. Taking into account those aspects relevant for packaging applications, thermal stability, mechanical properties, water resistance and kinetics of biodegradation of the film were monitored. The chemical crosslinking as well as the curing of the matrices have improved the mechanical properties and those related to the water affinity such as solubility, permeability and contact angle. Although both processes had an influence on the extent of the film degradation, these materials conserved their biodegradable character. Moreover, it was observed a synergistic effect of both chemical and physical treatments since the two processes in simultaneous caused further delay in the biodegradation. Consequently, in these materials the access to fungal attack and all those reactions mediated by the presence of water were restricted, which confirmed the higher stability of the matrices submitted to chemical or physical crosslinking.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de AlimentosFacultad de Ingenierí

    An Insight into the Role of Glycerol in Chitosan Films

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    This work was focused on assessing the influence of the glycerol in chitosan matrices, analyzing the changes produced in the molecular mobility, mechanical, thermal, barrier and structural properties. The addition of glycerol in the matrix decreased the stress values, increasing the elasticity and water vapor permeability of the films, with a marked decrease in glass transition temperature; Detailed analyses of Fourier Transform IR Spectroscopy spectra supported the observed changes, especially in the spectral windows 1700– 1500 cm−1 revealing the modifications at molecular level caused by hydrogen bond interactions between chitosan and water in the presence of glycerol. Positron annihilation spectroscopic (PALS) measurements allowed determining the free volume assuming spherical holes as well as monitoring the structural changes in chitosan films caused by the addition of both, glycerol and water molecules. It was possible to infer that for unplasticized matrices, a sustained increase of the radius between 0.06 and 0.2 of Xwater was observed, followed by a plateau up to 0.35. In the other case, with the addition of glycerol, there were two plateaus, the first between 0.25 and 0.37 of Xwater, and the second from 0.41 to 0.47. For higher glycerol concentrations, the plasticizer would be mainly bounded to the chitosan pack more efficiently and the water present in the system would be predominantly free in the matrix causing its swelling. Findings on molecular mobility contributed to the understanding of the role of water and glycerol in the structural arrangement and its influence on film properties.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de AlimentosFacultad de Ciencias ExactasFacultad de Ingenierí

    Modificación física de almidón de mandioca inducida por ultrasonido

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue modificar físicamente almidón de mandioca con ultrasonido y estudiar su influencia sobre las propiedades estructurales y funcionales del polímero. Suspensiones al 5% p/v se trataron con ultrasonido durante 5, 10 y 20 min a 40% de amplitud y 750 W. El tratamiento se realizó a temperatura ambiente y en un baño con hielo. Observaciones al microscopio óptico evidenciaron un mayor hinchamiento de los gránulos luego del ultrasonido independientemente de la temperatura de tratamiento. Por SEM se observó que el ultrasonido indujo un daño físico superficial de los gránulos. El tratamiento afectó la distribución de tamaños, siendo los gránulos más pequeños los más susceptibles. Por DSC no se observaron diferencias significativas en la temperatura y la entalpía de gelatinización de las muestras tratadas respecto al control, excepto para las muestras tratadas durante 20 min. Cambios observados en la región 1075-1020 cm-1 de los espectros FTIR indicaron que el tratamiento modificó la cristalinidad de los almidones, resultados corroborados por difracción de rayos X. Las pastas presentaron un comportamiento pseudoplástico tixotrópico ajustando satisfactoriamente los datos experimentales con el modelo de Ostwald de Waele. Los espectros dinámicos mostraron las características viscoelásticas del sistema. La modificación física favoreció la retrogradación de las pastas. Esta tecnología simple y eco-compatible permitió inducir cambios estructurales en el almidón.The aim of this work was to physically modify cassava starch by ultrasound treatment and to study their influence on the structural and functional properties of the polymer. Starch suspensions (5%) were sonicated for 5, 10 and 20 min at 40% amplitude and 750 W. The treatment was performed at room temperature and with an ice bath. Observations by light microscopy showed a greater swelling of the granules after treatment. The ultrasound induced a surface physical damage of the granules as was observed by SEM. The treatment affected the size distribution being the most susceptible the smaller granules. Except for samples treated during 20 min, no significant differences in the temperature and gelatinization enthalpy of treated samples respect to the control were observed by DSC. Changes evidenced in the 1075-1020 cm-1 FTIR spectra region indicated that treatment modified the crystallinity of starches, results confirmed by X-ray diffraction. The pastes showed pseudoplastic and thixotropic behavior; fitting successfully the experimental data with the model Ostwald de Waele. Dynamic spectra showed the viscoelastic properties of the system. Physical modification favored the pastes retrogradation. This simple and eco-friendly technology enabled induce structural changes of starch.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Bioadhesives based on modified starch applied to by-products of the wood industry

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    Los adhesivos naturales (bioadhesivos) son sustancias formuladas parcial o totalmente a partir de recursos naturales, siendo su utilización en la elaboración de paneles una alternativa interesante. El objetivo del trabajo fue obtener bioadhesivos a partir de almidón de mandioca modificado, estudiar sus propiedades reológicas y evaluar su aplicación en la formulación de paneles sustentables. Los bioadhesivos se formularon a partir de suspensiones de almidón de mandioca al 5% (p/p) modificado con 30% (p/p) de ácido cítrico o butano-tetra-ácido carboxílico (BTCA) gelatinizadas (90ºC- 20min) con agregado de almidón nativo al 5% (p/p) como relleno. Las características reológicas de los adhesivos se analizaron en un reómetro Rheo Stress 600. Las pastas presentaron un comportamiento pseudoplástico; la incorporación del relleno aumentó la viscosidad aparente a 500s-1. Los espectros dinámicos mostraron las características viscoelásticas del sistema. Los paneles se obtuvieron a partir de mezclas de fibrofácil (SPF): adhesivo (1:1-1:0,6) en una prensa hidráulica. El color de los paneles se vio afectado por la relación SPF:adhesivo y la temperatura de moldeo (120-160°C). Los materiales más resistentes se obtuvieron con baja relación SPF:adhesivo y mayores temperaturas de procesamiento. Mediante FTIR-ATR se estudiaron la compatibilidad y las interacciones sustrato:adhesivo. Así, fue posible obtener paneles sustentables resistentes en base a un adhesivo ecocompatible.Natural adhesives (bioadhesives) are substances that are partially or totally formulated from natural resources being their use in panel production an interesting alternative from the environmental point of view. The objective of the work was obtain bioadhesives from modified cassava starch, to study their rheological properties and to evaluate their application in the formulation of sustainable panels. Bioadhesives were formulated from cassava starch suspensions of 5% (w/w) cassava starch modified with 30% (w/w) citric acid or butane tetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) and gelatinized at 90°C for 20min with the addition of native starch at 5% (w/w) as filling. The rheological behavior of the pastes was analyzed in a Rheo Stress 600 rheometer. The starch pastes presented a pseudoplastic behavior. The incorporation of the filler increased the apparent viscosity. The dynamic spectra showed the viscoelastic characteristics of the system. The panels were obtained from blends of fibrofacil (SPF):adhesive (1:1-1:0.6) by using a hydraulic press. The color of the panels was affected by the SPF:adhesive ratio and the molding temperature. The most resistant materials were obtained with low SPF:adhesive ratio and higher processing temperatures (120°C-160°C). Through FTIR-ATR compatibility and substrate:adhesive interactions were studied. Thus, it was possible to obtain sustainable panels based on an ecocompatible adhesive.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Liquid and pressure-sensitive adhesives based on cassava starch and gelatin capsule residue: green alternatives for the packaging industry

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    Natural polymer-based adhesives are green alternatives, necessary to reduce the problems impacted by synthetic adhesives. Starch and gelatin have extraordinary potential for the synthesis of biobased adhesives. Citric acid (CA), a natural acid, induces the crosslinking and hydrolyzing of both gelatin and starch. In this sense, this work deals with the use of gelatin capsule residues as a promising material to produce biobased adhesives in combination with cassava starch in the presence of different CA concentrations characterizing their mechanical, physicochemical and microstructural properties. Depending on CA concentration, formulations adjusted to different applications can be obtained such as liquid and pressure-sensitive adhesive films. The inclusion of CA allows us not only to improve the applicability of the system since it modifies the flowability of the adhesives as evidenced by the observed changes in the viscosity (from 158.3 to 90.3 for formulations with 20 and 80% CA, respectively). In addition, mechanical profiles showed that the inclusion of CA increased the adhesive bond strength (from 2230.7 to 2638.7 for formulations with 20 and 80% CA, respectively). Structural modifications induced by CA in adhesive formulations were highlighted by ATR-FTIR analysis.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento